Medisch centrum lille

Gierlebaan 12 · 2275 Lille

General practicioners

Dr. Guy Peeters · Dr. Bert Van Bogaert


Katja Holzhäuser · Pieter-Jan Lenaerts

Make an appointment

With the General Practitioners

By telephone

You can make an appointment by calling 014 883 259, every weekday between 08.00h and 17.00h.


Make an online appointment

Please do bear in mind the following:

  • For important or urgent matters we advise you to make an appointment by telephone.
  • Make an appointment via telephone for exercise tests and heart tests.
  • If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us a soon as possible. Preferably more than one hour in advance.
  • Make one appointment per patient. For two patients we ask you to make two appointments.
  • Make with Dr G. Peeters double appointments for the following procedures:
    • prenatal care and ultrasound
    • gynaecological examination: pap smear and ultrasound
    • exercise test and heart test
    • placing IUD (please call for an appointment)
    • certificate medical sport test (please call for an appointment)

With the psychologist

An appointment with Katja Holzhäuser can be made by telephone, please call 0489 413 540 or by e-mail

An appointment with Pieter-Jan Lenaerts can be made by telephone. Please call 0487 46 45 06.

Our team

The medisch centrum lille team
Dr. Guy Peeters

Dr. Guy Peeters · General Practitioner and Sports Doctor

Specific activities

  • Prenatal care and gynecological ultrasound
  • Placing IUD
  • Exercise test, sports medicine and certificate medical sport test
  • Ultrasound and radiographs of limbs
  • Cast bandages
Dr. Bert Van Bogaert

Dr. Bert Van Bogaert · General Practitioner and Sports Doctor

Specific activities

  • Exercise tests
  • Certificate medial sport test
  • Placing IUD
Katja Holzhäuser

Katja Holzhäuser · Psychologist

  • Registration number Psychologists Commission 862114337
Pieter-Jan Lenaerts

Pieter-Jan Lenaerts · Clinical psychologist and tobaccoologist

Specific activities

  • Stress-related complaints
  • Psychosomatic complaints
  • Obesity and weight problems
  • Smoking and addictive behavior
Filip Meulders

Filip Meulders · Training advisor and excercise tests

Wendy Eyskens

Wendy Eyskens · Nurse and medical secretary

Sofie Van Den Broeck

Sofie Van Den Broeck · Nurse and medical secretary

Ann Pelkmans

Ann Pelkmans · Nurse and medical secretary

Fjorentina Daullja

Fjorentina Daullja · Nurse and medical secretary

Nathalie Van den Plas

Nathalie Van den Plas · Medical secretary

How to reach Medisch Centrum Lille

Medisch Centrum Lille

Gierlebaan 12 · 2275 Lille

Bus-stop ‘Kruispunt Gierlebaan’ in front of the medical centre. Bus lines: 210, 213.

Practical information

Only after appointment

To avoid long waiting times we work on an appointment basis only. You can make an appointment here, or call us on 014 883 259.

Research results and blood tests

To discuss lab-results with your General Practitioner we ask you to call 014 883 259. You can do this every week day:

  • With Dr. Bert Van Bogaert between 11.30h and 12.00h and between 18.00h and 19.00h (Mon, Tue & Fri)
  • With Dr. Guy Peeters between 12.00h and 12.45h and between 20.00h and 20.30h

Doctor on duty (week days)

It is possible that if we are unavailable between 20.30h and 08.00h you will be transferred to the doctor on duty. He or she will only respond to urgent matters and will report to us the following morning. This way we will continue to be up-to-date with regards to your condition.

Doctor on duty (weekend en bank holidays)

From Friday 20.30h to Monday 08.00h you can reach a Doctor on duty at the ‘huisartsenwachtpost’:

  • For patients from Lille and Poederlee the doctor on duty will operate from Herentals and can be called on 014 222 200
  • For patients from Wechelderzande and Gierle the doctor on duty will operate from Turnhout and can be called on 014 410 410

Important notices


Prescriptions are only issued during an actual visit to your General Practitioner. The RIZIV (health insurance) will not allow prescriptions otherwise. Of course we understand that it could occur that you are short on prescriptions for your medication. However, try to avoid this by asking for a sufficient number of prescriptions during the visit to your General Practitioner.

Certificates and forms

Your doctor is only allowed to issue certificates that are truthful. Please do not make his or her job more difficult than it is, and only ask for what is reasonable, genuine and responsible. For deontological reasons we will never issue certificates or sign forms otherwise.